Monday, November 7, 2011

Saving with Saving Star

SavingStar, Inc. Save on groceries with no clipping and no printing today

Have you heard of Saving Star? I joined a while ago, but never really checked it out until now. I think I'm going to love this program! Here is how it works, straight from the Saving Star website:
1. Select the eCoupons you like and we'll link them to your store loyalty cards.
2.Use your loyalty card at checkout (note: your bill will stay the same).
3.Your money is automatically added to your SavingStar account!

 Then once you have reached $5.00 in savings you can choose the payout!
Choose from several different options including: a bank deposit, paypal deposit, gift cards, and charity donations.

 I use tons of coupons every week of course, but that money I'm saving is used towards other bills in my home, but with SavingsStar, I can actually see my savings in a "savings" account and can use that money for something I really want. I have decided that all of my rebates, ebate checks, savingstar payouts and such are going into my paypal account. I am going to start saving for another Disney World trip. This will be a way for me to actually gauge how much money I actually have saved for the trip!

 Take a look at this service and see if this is something that might benefit you and your family! If so, let me know what you are saving for!

Have a Blessed day/night,

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